Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
Video overview of the location and business.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What brand names do you carry?
A: Electric Cart Company offers the largest selection of new and pre-owned golf carts. Our commercial range is expanding, be sure to check those out too.
Q: Where can I drive my electric vehicle in this area?
A: A simple rule of thumb is: Wherever the speed limit is 35mph or less. However, in the Santa Rosa Beach 30a area, there are some exceptions and restrictions. There are two types of vehicles, street legal and non-street legal.
Non-street legal are restricted to private property areas like Sandestin resort, private farm, industrial park, airport, or government buildings. Carts must also comply with requirements for lights, windshield, insurance, and other designated specifications. Be sure to check with your local Home Owners Association(HOA) and county officials for possible changes to ordinances. Florida Statute is listed HERE.
Street legal carts are, in essence, just like a car. They are just considered an LSV (low-speed vehicle). They have all the required state law items such as seat belts, lights, blinkers, and DMV registration matched to the VIN number, along with adequate insurance. they are also known as neighborhood electric vehicles.
Q: Where on Scenic Highway 30a can I take my LSV (low-speed vehicle)?
A: Street legal electric vehicles can have a top speed of 25 miles per hour, and operate within a 35MPH or lower area. They are allowed on any street with a speed limit of 35MPH or less. Be sure to check with your local HOA and county officials for possible changes to ordinances.
Q: What MUST a street-legal LSV be equipped with? What Makes It a street legal golf cart?
A: Each street legal golf cart must have the following safety features:
- Headlights
- Taillights
- Brake lights
- Turn lights
- Night reflectors on the sides, front, and rear end of the vehicle
- A three-point seat belt
- Internal and exterior mirrors on the driver and passenger side
- A windshield
- Parking breaks
- Vehicle identification number
Following certain restrictions, street legal carts can operate on public roads with a speed limit of 35 miles per hour but are limited to a top speed of 25 miles per hour. While neighborhood carts are best used for short trips in your neighborhood, a fully charged cart has an approximate driving range of up to 60 miles. Recharging can take anywhere from 2 – 8 hours depending on use and voltage connections.
Q: How long does it take to charge a set of batteries?
A: Golf cart batteries normally take 2-8 hours to fully charge. Some carts with older batteries will take longer because of the usage over time. Another factor is the extent of use you put on the cart before charging it. Make sure to check the water levels before charging your unit, and never overfill the batteries.
Q: How long will my cart run on a full charge?
A: Golf carts normally travel between 30 but can reach 50 miles on one charge depending on the terrain you are driving, the load you are carrying, and the age of your batteries. Older batteries will definitely be restricted by this mileage.
Q: Do you service pre-owned golf carts before you sell them?
A: Most definitely.
Electric Vehicles: During this process we adjust the brake system, change the cables (if needed), air up the tires, check all the electrical connections, tighten the steering, fill the batteries, grease around the cart, and replace any parts that need replacement.
Gas: For gas carts, we replace the air, fuel, and oil filters. We then put new spark plugs and oil in the cart. We also adjust the valves and tighten the starter generator belt. When needed, we clean and adjust the brakes. We also grease all the points around the cart while checking the air in the tires.
Q: How can I tell if my batteries are 6-volt, 8-volt, or 12-volt?
A: Count the fill holes in the batteries: 3 holes= 6-volt, 4 holes=8-volt, and 6 holes=12-volt.